Deux liens à connaître:
Blue Cats fight back Lp
Deltas boogie disease Lp
Meteors radioactive kid 45trs
Meteors meteor madness 45trs
Meteors the crazed 45trs
Meteors in heaven Lp
The Meteors
Meteors mutant rock 45trs
Tallboys island of lost souls 45trs
Restless why don’t you just rock Lp
Ricochets made in the shade Lp
Sting rays on self destruct ep
The Stingrays
Banana men play songs made popular by the cramps 45trs
Dazzlers get away of my brain Lp
Guana Batz you’re so fine 45trs
Meteors wrecking crew Lp
Sharks phantom rockers Lp
Stack A Record compilation Lp
Sting Rays dinosaurs Lp
These Cats Ain’t Nothing But Thrash compilation Lp
The Sharks
Fireballs XL5 man with no name 45trs
Fireballs XL5 rockin shoes 45trs
Frenzy s/t Maxi
Guana Batz the cave 45trs
Meteors I’m just a dog 45trs
Meteors stampede Lp
Rattlers scare me to death Lp
Restless do you feel restless Lp
Revenge of the killer pussies (Blood On The Cars Vol II) compilation Lp
Rockabilly Psychosis And The Garage Disease compilation Lp
Sting Rays who are the card board cut outs 45trs
Sting Rays flexi disc 45trs
Sting Rays live retaliation Lp
Stomping At The Klubfoot Vol I compilation Lp
Voodoo dolls s/t Lp
Voodoo Dolls split personality 45trs
Guana Batz
Batmobile Mini Lp
Frenzy hall of mirrorsLp
Guana Bats held down last Lp
Hell’s Bent On Rockin compilation Lp
Meteors curse of the mutants Lp
Meteors live I Lp
Meteors monkey’s breath Lp
Meteors hogs & cuties Maxi
Meteors stampede Maxi
Outer Limits edge of time Maxi
Psycho Attach Over Europe Vol Icompilation Lp
Rattlers rock Maxi
Restless vanish without a trace Ep
Roughnecks 45trs
Sting Rays flexi disc 45trs
Sting Rays don’t break down 45trs&Maxi
Stomping At The Klubfoot Vol II compilation Lp
Sunny Domestozs barking at the moon 45trs
Tranquillizers paranoia 45trs
Archie listen to what archie sez Lp
DAG in sickness& in health Lp
DAG holy hack jack maxi
Frenzy I see red Maxi
Frenzy clockwork toy LP
Frenzy nobody’s business Maxi
Guana Bats loane sharks Lp
Guana Bats I’m on fire Maxi & 45trs
Guana Bats seethrough Maxi
Krewmen adventure of the Lp
Meteors surf city Maxi & 45trs
Meteors mutant rock Maxi
Meteors Teenagers from outer spaceLp
Meteors horrible music.. Lp
Meteors sewertime blues Lp
Pharaohs blue egypt Lp
POX voodoo power Lp
Psycho Attach Over Europe Vol IIcompilation Lp
Roughnecks hard time maxi 45
Sunny Domestozs get ready for the get ready 45trs
Sting Rays june rhyme Maxi
Sting Rays the essential sting rays Lp
Stomping At The Klubfoot Vol III&IV compilation Lp
Voodoo Dolls problem with girl 45trs
Wampas titti frutti Lp
Washington dead cats gore billy boogie Lp
The Krewmen
Bad Dooleys shark attack Maxi
Batmobile bambooland Lp
Coffin nails ein bier bitte Lp
Crabs Lp
For A Few Pussies More (Blood On The Cars Vol III) compilation Lp
Fractured no peace for the wicked Lp
Frenzy sally’s pink bedroom Lp
Go Katz 45trs
Guana Batz live over london Lp
The Klufoot Kicks Back compilation Lp
Krewmen sweet dreams Lp
Krewmen into the tomb Lp
Long Tall Texans sodbusters Lp
Meteors live and loud Lp
Meteors night of the werewolf Lp
Meteors don’t touch the bang bang fruit Maxi et 45trs
Meteors don’t touch the bang bang fruit Lp
Monster a go-go compilation Lp
Néo Rockabilly Story Vol I compilation Lp
Rattlers take a ride Lp
Restless ice cold Ep
Restless early years Lp
Restless live&kicking Lp
Rocking it up compilation Lp
Roughnecks Stop, look and listen Lp
Sick Sick Sick compilation Lp
Sunny Domestozs playing favorites 45trs
Scallywags speed on 45 Lp
Scannerz “” Lp&Cd
Sting Rays the essential Lp
The Magnificient Seven compilation Lp
Bad Dooleys Lp
Bang Bang Bazooka Lp
Batmobile bail was set Lp
Batmobile buried alive Lp
Coffin Nails a fistful of burger Lp
DAG kicked out of hell Lp
Es feiv nous nous OK 45trs
Frantc flintstones rockin’out Lp
Guana Batz rough edges Lp
Griswalds do the hucklebuck 45trs
Happy Drivers indian on the road 25cm
Happy drivers we’ll be going on Lp
Klingonz uuuuurnchk Lp
Krewmen do you wanna touch Maxi
Krewmen my Generation Maxi
Krewmen plague of the dead Lp
Magnetics police on my back 45trs
Meteors the mutant monkey & the surfer from zorch Lp
Meteors are pure psychobilly Lp
Meteors somebody put ... Maxi & 45trs
Monsters nightmare 45trs
Psycho Attach Over Europe Vol IIIcompilation Lp
Quakes Lp
Radium cats munsters madness Lp
Rockats the first take off Lp
Rocking it up vol 2 compilation Lp
Scallywags 3 of a kind Lp
Scam gambling fever Lp
Sharks first ‘n’ last Lp
Skitzo terminal damage Lp
Sting Rays good bye to all that live 2 Lp
Stomping At The Klubfoot Vol V compilation Lp
Surf Rats trouble Lp
Swampys come back to the swamp Lp
Batmobile sex starved Lp
Butchers 1st single 45trs
Cavemen stone age beat Lp
Cyclone first of the cyclone men
Deltas live & loud Lp
Demented are go the day the earth spat blood
Es Feiv cows in motion Lp
Frantic flintstones nightmare continues Lp
Frantic flintstones yahbahdahbahdoo maxi
Frantic flintstones live and rockin’ Lp
Frantic flintstones not Christmas album Lp
Frenzy this is the fire Lp
Fresh For The 90’s fresh 45trs
Guanabatz electra glide in blue Lp
I ain’t lonely no more compil Lp
Klingonz blurb Lp
Katz Keep Rockin Vol Icompilation Lp
Katz Keep Rockin Vol IIcompilation Lp
Long Tall Texans saturnalia Lp
Meteors undead unfriendly and unstopable Lp
Meteors please don’t touch maxi
Midniters walk the line Lp
Monsters mask Lp
Néo Rockabilly Vol V compilation Lp
Rockats keep on turning Lp
Rattlers never say die Lp
Psycho Tendencies compilation Lp
Rockin At The Take 2 Vol I compilation Lp
Skrunch Lp
Something To Remenbercompilation Lp
Some Kind Earthquake devastating Lp
Stage frite island of lost soul Lp
Surfin wombatz lager loutz Lp
Surf Rats straight between the eyes Lp
Tailgators live and rockin’ Lp
Termites raucous Ep 45trs
Frantic Flinstones
Bang Bang Bazooka true rebel Lp
Batfinks live & rockin Lp
Batmobile is dynamite Lp
Coffin nails who’s he Lp
Coffin Nails live & rockin Lp
Crazy Crazy Crazy compilation Lp
Cyclone cyclonic zone Lp
Demented are go live and rockin Lp Cd
DAG go go demented Lp
Frantic flintstones schlachtof boogie woogie Lp
Frantic Flintstones raucous recording vol I Lp
Happy Drivers war Lp
Hillbilly Headhunters down death row Maxi
Jappin Psycho Bomb Vol I compilation Lp
Klingonz mong Lp
Krewmen power Lp
Lost soul chasin’ a dream Lp
Mad Sin distorded dimension Lp
Meteors live style of the sick & shameless Lp
Monsters the hunch Lp
Nekromantix hellbound Lp
Numbskulls psychophobia Lp
Outrage Vol I compilation Lp
Outrage Vol II compilation Lp
Phantom Rockers demon lover Lp
Phantom Rockers kissed by a werewolf Lp
Psycho Attack Over Europe Vol IV compilation Lp
Quakes voice of america Lp
Rantanplan 2words in 1 Lp
Rattlers face the fact 45trs
Restless movin’on Lp
Resless kickin’ into midnight Cd&Lp
Rockats last crusade Lp
Scam infant years Lp
Screaming Kids don’t get down Lp
Scum Rats I see your face 45trs
Slapping Suspenders blood suckin freaks Lp
Sons Of The Yomping Cocroaches Lp
Spellbound mystical madness Lp
Stringbeans king of thrash Lp
Surfin’ wombatz Dr satan 45trs
Tailgators s/t Lp
Termites overload Lp
Tiny Minds Lp
Torment hypnosis Lp
Welcome to your nightmare compilation Lp
Batmobile sex straved Lp&Cd
Brainblasters haiti dream LP
Blown mad debili-ty
DAG orgasmic nightmare Lp&Cd
Frantic flinstones cutting a fine line Lp&Cd
Hangmen gutbucket r’n’r Lp
Hellbillys dragstrip girl 45trs
Krewmen the final adventure of Lp&Cd
Live At The Big Rumble compilation Lp
Long Tall Texans singing to the moon Lp
Mad Sin amphigory Lp&Cd
Meantraitors from psychobilly land Lp
Meteors play cover versions Lp
Meteors madman roll Lp&Cd
Meteors chainsaw boogie Maxi & Cd
Monsters the hunch Lp
Nekromantix curse of the coffin Lp&Cd
Psychobilly Weekender compilation Lp
Psycho Attack Over Europe Vol V compilation Lp
Radiacs going strong Lp&Cd
Rattlers gangsters & loose women Lp&Cd
Rattlers live Lp
Rednecks for a few redneks more 45trs
Reverend Horton Heat smoke ’em if you’ve got them Lp et Cd
Scam a million $ Lp
Scamp live fast die young Cd
Scum boys vamp attack Lp&Cd
Skrunch smelly sally Lp
Wreckin Around The Christmas Tree compilation Cd
Yancatooz let’s way Cd
The Rattlers
Batmobile hard hammer hits Lp&Cd
Batmobile midnight maniac Cd
Blazin Saddles cut ’er head of keep .. Cd
Blue Cats the tunel Lp
Fireballs terminal haircut Cd
Hillbilly Headhunters sloopy part II 45trs
Hillbilly Headhunters mad Lp&Cd
Klingonz klingstomp / psycho mansion mix 45trs
Krewmen forbiden planet Maxi
Lost Souls erazerhead Lp
Mad Mongols Maxi
Mad Sin break the rules Lp&Cd
Meteors who do you love Cd
Meteors demonopoly Lp&Cd
Meteors international wreckers Cd
Monsters meets betty page 45trs
Nekromantix brought back to life Lp&Cd
Powerdog s/t Lp&Cd
P Paul Fenech rockin dead Lp&Cd Powerdog Lp&Cd
Psychobilly Weekender Vol II compilation Lp
Punishers beat me Lp&Cd
Quakes live in tokyo Cd
Radium cats other world Lp
Ricochets on target Cd
Rockin’ bones welcome to the forbidden planet Lp&Cd
Sgt Fury psycho vision Maxi
Slapping Suspenders the good the bad & the keeper of the 7 waffles Cd
Mad Sin
99ers « »$$%§ » 45trs
Asmodeus psycho on hell request Cd
Banane métallique requiem de la dépravation Cd&Lp
Batmobile best of Cd
Batmobile shoot shoot Mini Cd
Cosmic Voodoo devil dementia 45trs
Demented are go tangenital madness Lp
Demented are go live in japan Lp et CD
Falcons s/t Lp
Frantic flintstones ravin’with the lunatics lp&Cd
Frenzy eastern sun Cd
Frenzy mad mad world Cd
Guanabatz shake it up maxi&mini Cd
Hellbillys land of demons Lp&Cd
Hillbilly Headhunters girls guitars jaguar Lp
Jappin Psycho Bomb Vol II compilation Lp&Cd
Mad Sin a ticket to underworld Cd
Meantraitors titanic music Lp&Cd
Nitros something gotta give Cd&Lp
Peacocks red sun 45trs
Phantom Rockers search & destroy Lp
Quakes new generation Lp&Cd
Rawheads follow that demon Cd
Reverend Horton Heat full custom gospelLp&Cd
Sharks recreational killer Cd
Skel’tons bad girl boogie 45trs
Reverand Horton Heat
Falcons balls balls Lp & Cd
Falcons falcons Lp
Fears die slowly but die Lp
Godless wicked creeps crazy hormones 45trs
Godless wicked creeps victim of science Cd&picture
Hellbillys evil 45trs
Hillbilly Headhunters rainy day MiniCd
Klingonz flange Lp
Klingonz jobot Lp
Krewmen singled out Lp
Long Tall Texans aces & eightes Cd
Lota red five graves to cairo Cd
Mad Mongols cripple satan scream Cd
Mad Mongols bruce fuckin lee Maxi
Mad Mongols just for the hell of it Cd
Meantraitors grim rock Mini Cd
Meantraitors welcome to palermo Cd
Mental Hospital heretical Cd
Meteors hell ain’t hot enough Mini Cd
Meteors no surrender Cd
Meteors rott 917 chainsaw boogie 45trs
Monsters jungle noise 45trs
Notorious Deafmen comes dangerous 45trs
Only Freeway To Skinner Kat compilation Cd
Reverend Horton Heat liquor in the front Lp et Cd
Reverend Horton Heat/Supersuckers 400bucks 45trs et Mini Cd
Sharks bitch attack Maxi
Sharks ruff stuff Lp
Sgt Fury the overcooked,the poisoned Cd
Atomic Spuds garbage surfer Cd
Batmobile evil live 45trs
Cocksuck Hold shovel up your purple 45trs
Damage Done By Worms evil eyes 25cm
DAG german tour 45trs
Godless wicked creeps hellcoholics Cd&Lp
Guinea pig maniac 45trs
Los Gatos Locos juvenile delinquent 45trs
Hangmen last train to purgatory Cd
Hillbilly Headhunters grass grows greener Cd
Lota red rampage Lp
Living End hellbound Cd
Mad Mongols blood of dracula’s castle Cd
Meteors mental instrumentals Cd
Monsters rock around the tombstone 45trs
Monsters youth against nature Lp
Monsters in hell 45trs
Peacocks come with us Lp&Cd
Peacocks good & honest 45trs
Phantom Rockers shag squirt Cd
Rawheads inferno Cd
Rumble Party Vol IV compilation Lp
Scum boys war Cd
Shakeout dissonance Lp
Slapping suspenders Greece Cd
The Peacocks
Brain Bats curse of the brain bats Cd
Calavera dead love Cd
DDBW fear will freeze you Lp&Cd
Elektraws shock rock Cd
Fireballs so bad it’s good Cd
Fireballs voodoo MiniCd
Gazmen rigormortis rock Ep
Guanabatz power keg Lp&Cd
Klingonz böllox Lp
Living end it's for your own good Cd
Mad Heads psycholula Cd
Mad Sin god save the sin Cd
Mental Hospital intellectual action Cd
Meteors international wreckers II Cd
MWM hard Times Cd
P.Paul Fenech daddy’s hammer Lp&Cd
Quakes quiff rock Cd
Reverend Horton Heat martini times Lp&Cd
Sharks color my flesh Cd
Sharks sir psycho 45trs
The Quakes
Barnyard Ballers psychobilly invasion Cd
Battle Of Ninjamanz psycore distortion Maxi
Batmobile welcome to planet cheese Cd
Cenobites 25cm
Coffin Nails wreckers yard Cd
Eddyhez well… Cd
Godless wicked creeps china chicks 45trs
Grave stompers rising from the darkness Cd
Hangmen tested on animals Cd
Hayride To Hell Cd
Hellbent prosper in wilderness Cd
Hellbillys torture garden Cd
Godless wicked creeps histereo Cd&Lp
Kryptonix l’appel du sang Cd
Living End second solution MiniCd
Lone Sharks no messin Cd
Los Gatos Locos psychobilly baptism Cd
MWM death deputy Cd
Phantom Rockers av some of this Cd
Rocking With The Frog compilation Cd
Shakeout top of the world CD&Lp
Skitzo vertigo Cd
Smell of kat raw beat 45trs
STH seven step to hell Cd
Wrecking Psycho Show compilation Cd
Acid Connection buzz baitMiniCd&45trs
Asmodeus diggin up the king Cd
Bonkers mystic melodies Cd
Calavera day of the dead Cd
Celtix so nice to be wicked Cd
Coffin Nails big night out Cd
DDBW suicide city 45trs et MiniCd
Flatliners enter the twilight Cd
Guana Batz john peel session Cd
Halloween hootenanny compilation Lp&Cd
Hellbillys cavalcade of perversions Cd
Hellmaniacs somewhere in your... Cd
Meantraitors welcome to palermo Cd
Inoportunos twister Cd
It came from hell vol 1 compil Cd
Mad Heads mad in ukraine Cd
Hotter Than Hell compilation Cd
Mad Sin sweet & innocent Lp&Cd
Meantraitors angry heart Cd
Meantraitors live Cd
Os Catalepticos little bits of ... Cd
Slapping suspenders super oldies mini Cd
Slapping suspenders slice up your wife Cd&Lp
Smell of kat beware the kats Cd
Strings rhythm and country Cd
Tr6 psychobilly mayhem 45trs
Unknow Visitors arise from galaxy Maxi
Yancatooz belly boxing 25cm
Smell of Kat
Astro zombies contol your minds Cd&Lp
Cannon Shots break ace Cd
Chibuku time of the devil Lp
DAG hellucifernation Cd&Lp
DAG daddy’s makin monsters MiniCd
DDBW tonight !? Cd&Lp
Demonio the land of demon Cd
Evil Gnomes/Riot Klan creations of hades Cd
Flatliners vampire 25cm et MiniCD
Gorilla child in my dream 45trs
Grave stompers funeral suits Cd
Halloween Scream compilation Cd
Iberia Trash mondo psycho Cd
Inoportuno gatos y fulanas Cd
It came from hell vol 2 compil Cd
Living End Cd
Living End trapped MiniCd
Mad Mongols frenzied black demons Cd
Meantraitors guts for sale Cd
Meteors versus the world Lp&Cd
Monster Klub welcome Cd
Osaka Big Band compilation Cd
Os Catalepticos from beyond the grave 45trs et MiniCd
Peacocks in without knockin Lp&Cd
Phantom Rockers PSMF MiniCd
Photon Torpedoes it came from outer space Cd
Small Town Pimps for a few hookers more Cd
Spiderz ultra spiders attack Cd
STH reincarnation Cd
Spike build up your devil 45trs
Tiger Army Lp&Cd
Mad Mongols
Bonkers bonk rock Cd&Lp
Craks stupid story 45trs
Demon Is Crying compilation Cd
Gazoo Bill fire on the line Lp&Cd
Gorilla genetic joke Cd&Lp
Hangmen original sin Cd
Hellbillys blood trilogy vol I Lp&Cd
High Voltage R’N’R Vol II et III compilation Cd
Kendo Boys mosh & wreckin MiniCd
Living End roll on MiniCd
Lota red close to the sun Cd&Lp
MWM scars remain Cd
Monster Klub act II Cd
Mosquito wants your blood Cd
Nekromantix undead & live Lp&Cd
Osaka Big Band II compilation Cd
Os catalepticos zombification Cd&Lp
Peacocks anger & demand 45trs et MiniCd
Radio frankensteins rubber blood Cd
Revel Without A Cause compilation Cd
RHH spend a night in a box Cd
Scary Boom food of the gods Lp&Cd
STH jealousy & bias MiniCd
Strings will not waste notes miniCd
Tokyo big rumble wreckin’ crew vol 1 compil Cd
Tr6 borrowed time Cd
Battle Of Ninjamanz fuck the world Cd
Barnyard Ballers nudie bar blues LP&Cd
Cenobites girl in the wood 45trs
Chibuku dans la rue Lp&Cd
Dead Kings king by death Lp&Cd
Dicemen johnny walker MiniCd
Eddyhez weltschmerz Ep
Great invaders early tracks 45trs
GWC smile Lp&Cd
It allstarted here compil Cd
Kryptonix les comptes de la cryptLp&Cd
Long Tall Texans ballroom blitz Lp&Cd
Michoniku Heatwave compilation Cd
Monster a gogo’s psycho kung fu 45trs
Napoleon ready go Cd
Pitmen welcome to the show Lp&Cd
Psychobilly Frenzy compilation Cd
Ripmen party with the dead Lp&Cd
Robin trust me MiniCd
Shock Therapy fearing up the road Cd
Slapchops conspiracy Cd
Small Town Pimps bingo Lp&Cd
STH bright darkness MiniCd
Sympathy For The Devil compilation Cd
Tiger Army power of moonlite Lp&Cd
Tokyo big rumble 2001wreckin’ crew vol 2 compil Cd
Tribute To Batmobile compilation Lp&Cd
Trioxin 543 metal animal party Cd
Viva La Slap compilation Cd
Long Tall Texans
Battle fish japanimation Cd
Blazzin’ halley/los creepers split 45trs
Bonkers going downhill fast miniCd
Calavera tequilamatic Cd
Cenobites demons for some angels to others Cd
Coffin Nails out for the weekend Lp&Cd
Crossfire one more try Cd
Doctor Blood Cd
Dragstrip demons rise of the panther Cd&Lp
Evil Devil devil scream Cd
Frenzy dirty little devils Cd&Lp
Gazoo Bill think about it Cd
Gigolo 13 wreckin’roll Cd
Gorilla flamenco death Cd
Hellbats fast ‘n’ heavy Cd
Hellbats/Blue Movie split Maxi
Inoportunos in your loudspeaker Cd
It Came From Hell compilation Lp&Cd
Krappulas escape from hell Cd
Mad Heads naked flame Lp&Cd
Mad Masato movin on MiniCd
Mad Sin survival of the sickest Lp&Cd
Meteors psycho down Cd&Lp
Meteors final conflict Lp&Cd
Milwaukee Wildmen psychosomatic Cd
Monsters I see dead people Cd&Lp
Nekromantix return of the lovig dead Lp&Cd
Nine ka.i.ka.n 45trs
Osaka big bang 3 compilation Cd
Packmen packmen theme 45trs
Phantom rockers rise up Cd&Lp
Photon torpedoes creature double features Cd
Quakes last of the human being Lp&Cd
Reverend Horton heat luky 7 Cd
Robin my way Cd
Sharks live in japan Cd&picture
SxTxH always together Cd
Tokyo big rumble wreckin’ crew vol 3 compil Cd
Viva la slap 2002 compilation Cd
Wrecking dead Cd&Lp
Coffin' Nails
Astro zombies mutilate, torture and kill Cd
Boozehounds evil deluxe Cd
Cenobites secretum 45trs
Chibuku rock’n’roll is devil music Cd&lp
Coffin nails hard as nails Cd
Craks all stand clash Cd
DAG live at the galaxy Cd&lp
Demented scum cats mini Cd
Eddyhez after dark Cd
Eightmen s/t Maxi
Evil devil breakfast at the psychohouse cd
Flanders punkabilly from hell Cd&lp
Francine level 8 Cd
Grave stompers bone sweet bone Cd
Greasy hash evil’sroad Maxi
Gutter demons human remains 45trs
Hangmen play dead Cd
Hangmen no happy endings Lp+maxiPict
Heartbreak engines good drinks, good butts, good fellows Lp&Cd
Japanese psychobilly now compilation Cd
Jirochou karasu Cd
Klingonz up Uranus Cd&lp
Koffin kats s/t Cd
Mad heads “kohtakt” Cd
Mad masato sakura maxi45&Minicd
Mad masato what the matter with her maxi45&minicd
Mad sin teachin’ the goodies Lp&Cd
Mad sin/Battle of ninjamanz the kamikaze experience Maxi45&MiniCd
Meteors psychobilly Cd&Lp
Meteors from beyond Cd&Lp
Milwaukee wildmen psychosomatic Lp
Milwaukee wildmen to the bone Lp
Monster klub inside Cd
Nine krazy Cd
Noirouze “%£ù!” Cd
Os catalepticos psycho path fever 45trs
Packmen bast off Maxi
Packmen not bad Cd
Peacocks turn up the lights 45trs
Pittbull farm s/t Cd
Psycho dong compilation Cd
Retrogretion happy trigger Cd
Retrogretion forget me not miniCd
Ripmen terror of the beagle boys Cd
Robin shout it out loud Lp
Robin Maggie Maggie Maggie 45trs
Robotix kosmiczna odyseja helvisa Cd&Lp
Scary B.O.O.M. danke! Aufwiedersehen.Cd&Lp
Sinshisters s/t Cd
Starlight wranglers Europe tour Cd
Tight fitting pants sex, booze and rock’n’roll MiniCd
Tokyo big rumble wreckin’ crew vol 4 compil Cd
Tombstone brawlers scary movies Cd
Tony montanas criminal energy 45trs
Toxocaras tales from the planet azzhole Cd
Turbobilly Ilike to sing with my friends Cd
Up to Vegas voodoo truckin’ Cd&lp
Mad Heads
12 step rebels go go graveyard rockin’ with Cd
asmodeus diabolique royale Cd
battle of ninjaman bastard Cd
broncats psychosoma Cd
deepsix gravelings Cd
Dicemen a thing called rock’n’roll Cd
Dicemen boogie man miniCd
Dragstrip demons Mexican psychobilly Cd
graveyard hop compilation Cd
Green monster ….. Cd
Gutter demons enter the demon Cd
hellbillys blood trilogy vol II Cd
horrorpops hell yeah! Lp&cd
Inoportunos el lado mas salvaje del rock and roll Cd
kathy X ready for anything Cd
kathy X I let the devil in 45trs
mad mongols revenge of the mongoloïd Lp&Cd
mad sin ’99 psycho ‘n glamrock demos Lp
meteors these evil things Lp&Cd
meteors hell… Cd
meteors lost album Cd
nekromantix dead girls don’t cry Lp&Cd
peacock it’s time for Cd&Lp
pitmen jingle bells 45trs&mini Cd
Plan 9 8hits from hell Lp&Cd
Reverend Horton heat revival Cd&Lp
robotix wrackobill Cd
Shark bait shark attack Cd
Tiger army III: ….Cd&Lp
Wood chuck training montage Cd
Zombie ghost train monster formal wear maxi&miniCd
Bad reputation rubber girl Cd
Grave stompers spawn 45trs
Hellbats dark and mighty Cd
Lonesome dragstripers MiniCd
Tony montanas Cd
Voodoo devils hellish noises Cd
The Tony Montanas